
Happy Holidays from Kona!

Happy Holidays from Kona!

We asked AI to generate a holiday greeting that perfectly encapsulated the Kona 3.0 festive season vibe. After burning up a server farm or two, the collective electronic intellect sent us back an image of a muscular snowman with a face that looked a little bit like Jake and a little bit like Tayte Proulx-Royds, wearing an incredibly garish but inexplicably stylish ironic sweater, pulling a jaw-dropper of a one-handed backflip on an Ouroboros with a halo of roost/snow/glitter trailing from the wheels. The hands of this supertalented snow-portmanteau each had eight fingers and were curiously deformed. Just like many great artists, it appears that AI has trouble getting the hands right.

The coming Singularity is still not quite ready for primetime. We are thankful for that, and we want to take time this holiday season to celebrate our humanity, our individuality, and the mix of those beautiful traits that we find here in our extended Kona family. It has been a year for the books, and we are grateful for each and every one of you.

From all of us here, to all of you there; thank you, cheers, and Happy Holidays!

And just for the record, we LOVE incredibly garish but inexplicably stylish, intentionally ironic sweaters.

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